Rainbow Biotite resonates with your crown chakra. You can use this stone in a major way if you want to achieve mental clarity and have more organized thoughts. It’s used in treating eye problems, as well as throat and voice conditions. It is believed to help with the treatment of mobility problems and speech difficulties especially with stroke sufferers. It will release the human roles that are putting a strain on you, as well as the attachments that you have to difficult things. This stone will help you with the difficult communications, too. It will give you higher wisdom and help soothe strong emotions. This stone will help you get rid of all the blockages that are keeping you from achieving success.
彩云母可协助改善人际关系,增进人缘也可以使人充满活力,有助于缓解压力,消除疲劳、缓解头痛,排除病气,能够使人快速的恢复体力,可以改善运气,并增强对灵异干扰入侵的防卫能力。也助于改善情绪问题,控制脾气消除负能量与压力。强化骨骼,增强细胞,改善健康问题. 彩云母被认为有助于治疗行动不便的问题和语言困难,特别是中风患者。
Length: 16 cm (Stretchable)
Bead size : 8.3MM
Metal : 18K Gold plated