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Howlite Charm + Unique Rutilated Quartz Bracelet
Unique Rutilated Quartz can help you do, its powers of improving clairsentience can actually help you develop solutions to those
problems as well.The meaning and properties of it would make your life brighter and purify negative energy. It is good for people who want
to increase motivation or enhance creativity.Unique Rutilated Quartz would bring back your energy into the right condition and gives richness and prosperity to the owner's life.
特殊发晶是最高级别发晶组成, 其磁场能量较强,可增强胆识,加强一个人的信心及果断力,能带给人勇气,特殊发晶是有效的护身符,吸收掉一切负面能量,防巫咒、黑法术等,能消灾、解厄、带来事业突破, 可去病气,对筋骨,神经系统有帮助。可增加能量聚集,象征尊贵、权力与财富,招偏财亦聚正财带来意想不到的鸿运。也可助气,强身。
Detailed Features
Citrine Spacer
Length: 17cm
Bead Size : 10.2MM
Grade : 4A